Age of Apocalypse part 14
Written by John Frances Moore
Art by Steve Epting
Lettering by Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Open with the breeding pens in one of Sinister's strongholds. Mutants held for breeding and genetic material are placed in a telepathic field that makes them docile and complacent. We see a green haired woman lying half asleep on the floor as two other mutants are above her planning to escape with an unknown benefactor.

Suddenly the benefactor appears in the shadows and the green haired mutant looks up to see the rescuer as Magento. Surprised, The green haired woman says "finally you have come to rescue me." Of course the visage of Magento tells her to be quiet and that if he could he would rescue them all but can’t and only takes the two mutants that were planning on escaping.
The green hair mutant is distraught as the visage walks out of the pen and doesn’t look back. The woman whimpers, don’t you recognize me “I’m your daughter” Classic x-men fans will recognize her as Lorna Dane, Polaris from our universes X-factor.

Cut To:
Apocalypse's citadel in Manhattan New York we see the two Summers brothers Alex and Scott talking about Sinister and the human council in Europe. When they come upon Apocalypse; and immediately bow before their lord and master. We learn that Apocalypse finds Sinister inconsequential and that whatever he is planning Apocalypse can vanquish easily. Of course Apocalypse also informs Cyclops that he is impressed by him and that Cyclops could be the new horseman to take Sinister's spot. Of course this infuriates Alex. Apocalypse then dismisses the two and commands them to find the person who is releasing the mutants in the breeding pens.

Speeding away from the Citadel:
Havok complains to Cyclops about their positions in this world. Alex is angry that Cyclops is the fortunate one and gets everything handed to him. Cyclops in turn tells him that he didn’t want what was “given” to him . And tasks Havok to investigate the break in’s and then speeds off to meet with the Bedlam brothers.
Havok then throws a hissy fit and blows up some support beams along the highway. Now that his frustration is appeased he heads to the central security tower to meet with his team to investigate the escape from the pens.
At the security tower:
We see Havok, discuss with his security team. They in turn inform him that whoever released the captives was wearing some time of scrambler to prevent the cameras from seeing him. Of course it doesn’t scramble the one eyewitness Lorna Dane and the group decides to interrogate her for information on the person responsible.
They head down to the pens to find a half knocked out Lorna Dane lying on the floor of her pen. They play a little bad cop and worse cop and learn that she saw her father Magento releasing the two mutants. This makes Havok snap and punches Lorna demanding that she don’t lie to him. At which point she strikes back with a low yield magnetic blast, which knocks Havok back and cause one of the security team to shock Lorna and causes her to pass out.
The fact she can use her powers in a limited capacity cause Havok to take pause and makes him decide to take her to Beast for a brain scan to learn the truth.

Cut To:
Dark Beast’s Lab, Havok and his security team bring Lorna unconscious for Beast to attempt to get answers to the question of who is releasing the mutants from the pen. Of course Beast recognizes her as a mutant that caused him some trouble before. Havok mentions that she claimed that she was Magneto’s daughter. Beast dismisses it and says he ran a DNA test on her and she is not.
Beast begins the test on her and she comes too with extreme pain and asks Alex aka Havok why he is doing this. Havok just walks away.
Cut To:
The site of the destroyed Statue of Apocalypse from issue 1. Scott joins to the Bedlam Brothers to learn that there was a secret base located here by Sinister. While getting the report from the Bedlam Brothers they are visited by Angel. He tells Cyclops he is there to confirm rumors he had heard about war in Europe with the last remaining free humans.
Cut To:
The nightclub Heaven where Havok is enjoying the company of the singer Scarlett and beings his ruminations about Scott and his own role in Apocalypses horsemen.
Cut To:
The site of the destroyed Statue of Apocalypse from issue 1. Scott joins to the Bedlam Brothers to learn that there was a secret base located here by Sinister. While getting the report from the Bedlam Brothers they are visited by Angel. He tells Cyclops he is there to confirm rumors he had heard about war in Europe with the last remaining free humans.
Cut To:
The nightclub Heaven where Havok is enjoying the company of the singer Scarlett and beings his ruminations about Scott and his own role in Apocalypses horsemen.
Meanwhile back at the Dark Beasts lab:
Lorna is going through a torture process of her memories being sifted through to find the identity of the intruder to the pens. Cyclops arrives to tell Beast that what he is doing isn't interrogation but torture and orders him to return the woman to the pens.
Naturally Beast tells Cyclops he is doing it for his brother to find the truth. Cyclops snaps, fires his eye blast and threatens Beast to follow his commands.
Later that night:
Lorna asleep in the pens is awoken by the nameless stranger and they both leave the pen. Lorna continues to see the stranger as Magneto. They manage to escape but not without incident. Northstar and Aurora see the two mutants and attempt to stop them. Of course the stranger manages to take them both out and get away with Lorna.
The stranger with Lorna get to the docks where they meet up with Val cooper; and the stranger is revealed to be none other than Cyclops. Of course all this is observed from the shadows by Havok.

The story is well thought out and really buids on the main characters. I really enjoyed this story and parallels the competiviness that Havok has for Cyclops just like in our world.
Lorna is going through a torture process of her memories being sifted through to find the identity of the intruder to the pens. Cyclops arrives to tell Beast that what he is doing isn't interrogation but torture and orders him to return the woman to the pens.
Naturally Beast tells Cyclops he is doing it for his brother to find the truth. Cyclops snaps, fires his eye blast and threatens Beast to follow his commands.
Later that night:
Lorna asleep in the pens is awoken by the nameless stranger and they both leave the pen. Lorna continues to see the stranger as Magneto. They manage to escape but not without incident. Northstar and Aurora see the two mutants and attempt to stop them. Of course the stranger manages to take them both out and get away with Lorna.
The stranger with Lorna get to the docks where they meet up with Val cooper; and the stranger is revealed to be none other than Cyclops. Of course all this is observed from the shadows by Havok.

The story is well thought out and really buids on the main characters. I really enjoyed this story and parallels the competiviness that Havok has for Cyclops just like in our world.
Steve Epting’s art is really good in this issue. His line work is sharp, the shadows and light rendering is very catching to the eye. The use of his backgrounds give scope to the story. None of that closed set feel to any of the panels. There is a several pages that I would love to own as original artwork.
Score out 8.5 of 10
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